Sunday, September 4, 2016

# A summer delight # TRAVEL TIME #

Ese día se despertó porque el sol ya se había levantado y le daba en la cara latigazos de luz que hacían imposible que mantuviera los ojos cerrados y siguiera soñando realidades que no eran la sombra de lo que su subconciente esperaba.
Se levantó, y como estaba de vacaciones en Italia, decidió tomar un café (la moka ya estaba resoplando desde la hornilla) vestirse con su camiseta favorita (una camiseta negra roída) y salir a la calle a pasear.
Italia tiene un encanto especial durante el verano.La luz es muy intensa, el cielo muy azul y parece más infinito que en otros lugares, más alto, más real. El mármol blanco hacía que los reflejos se esparcieran entorno a él, que le envolvieran en un abrazo cálido que recordaba mucho el abrazo de una madre.
Se dio cuenta al pasear por las calles todavía vacías que tan solo con mirar hacia arriba era posible descubrir desde el aire las raíces, la historia, el paso del tiempo, traumas de un pueblo ahora moderno y tradicional, moderno y pintado de caras que provenían de muchos lugares diferentes y que poco a poco se mezclaban a las caras de los habitantes del lugar, tradicional, de  gente en una lucha diaria para llegar a conseguir una convivencia equilibrada.  Entendió que mirar hacia arriba desde abajo le hacía sentir mucho mejor que mirar desde arriba hacia abajo (se había acostumbrado al ritmo de los cabizbajos y le costaba levantar cabeza), de pronto descubrió (epifanía Joyciana) que esos lugares de Italia le estaban ofreciendo algo que otros lugares le negaban a diario, simples vistas de exteriores, calles, edificios, sonrisas, que se reflejaban gracias a la luz en los frágiles cristales de su mundo interior, tendiéndole la mano para acompañarle, encaminarle por una ruta que nunca debía haber abandonado.
Un paseo y la mañana, le devolvieron las ganas de mirar las cosas con perspectiva.
Se sentó en una terraza, tomó otro café, miró arriba, miró las paredes de un edificio, se le apareció un recuerdo de su infancia, la belleza abrumadora de la simpleza le llenó de alegría.
Pasó el camarero le sonrió y le preguntó ¿tomas algo más?

A su vez sonrió, y contestó: no, con esto tengo lo suficiente para seguir viviendo, gracias.

Sunday, July 31, 2016


A los griegos les debemos y mucho. Sin ellos hoy no tendríamos cómo llamar a la mitad de las cosas. Sin ellos Marvel se hubiese quedado corta y sus tiras serían tan solo tiras y no cómics. Es en el siglo XVI con el auge de la novela cuando desde el sentido de cómico, nos trasladamos al sentido actual que abarca desde el género cómico a la novela gráfica. La adaptación no es casual, (como somos fancy nos llega directamente del inglés, fancy tampoco es casualidad) en la lengua y en la cultura, no hay azar, hay tan solo personajes que no tienen la línea del destino trazada en sus manos, por lo que el destino se convierte en búsqueda, y la búsqueda se convierte en historia, novela, tiras gráficas fruto de una experiencia, de un background histórico social político a la que se añade lo personal y ese filtro que convierte cada autor en único, a pesar de las múltiples influencias que su pensamiento/obra deje entrever. En esta década, nosotros, espectadores tan hastiados optamos por un producto cultural ameno, de corta duración, de consumo rápido, desechable y recargable o descargable si se prefiere. Esta época tiene algo parecido a la época en la que triunfaba la novela caballeresca o la saga nórdica, un producto más o menos bien confeccionado que permite escapar de la actual realidad cargada de disgustos e imágenes violentas, donde se compite por representar cualquier catástrofe, humana o no, de la manera más distorsionada y sesgada posible. En fin, la imagen como lenguaje tiene su particular objetivo (pero de esto por si os interesa habla Judith Butler en sus libros).Entonces, es inevitable la subjetividad?  Leer para ver.Pero vamos a lo nuestro. Esta mañana, me he levantado y he pensado en el futuro. Pensar en el futuro (tendrá sentido? véase que utilizamos el futuro para hacer hipótesis) siempre me hace pensar en lo mismo, en un comic que de pequeño ojeaba/hojeaba, Corto Maltés. De adulto he visto todas las películas de animación que protagoniza este personaje. Y es que, desde mi perspectiva, a pesar de no tener una componente "gender" y política correcta, explica perfectamente de dónde viene el hombre europeo. Es un producto cultural de los anos 70/80 (incluso antes) aunque se enmarque a finales del XIX y principio del XX. La peculiaridad del personaje, a parte de no tener destino, es que tiene un backgroud de lo más variado. Es evidente que es el autor el que tiene este bagaje cultural, pero ahí tenemos al EUROPEO. Corto Maltés, proviene de una familia mixta, es hijo de un galés y de una andaluza, nació en Malta y se crió en Cordoba en la judería, sus aventuras recuerdan (y mucho) a las aventuras del explorador polaco Ossendowski y encuentra durante su camino a las figuras culturales más influyentes de todos los tiempos y lugares, explora los mitos y creencias de diferentes parajes del mundo, y participa en las guerras y batallas que desdibujan los actuales límites de nuestra comunidad.De pequeño me entretenía con sus aventuras, el exotismo, el viaje y la lucha contra el mal. De adulto, me entretengo con sus reflexiones, sus críticas a la situación social y religiosa, su lucha contra los molinos de viento y la búsqueda de la utopia y del destino. Estamos de vuelta a la novella caballeresca, o sea, que todo se repite, incluso los destinos.

Thursday, July 28, 2016


Asylum, of course You can play. Is that a psychiatric? is that a political space? is that a geriatric?... You will see which one do You prefer, it only will depend from your background. I suppose Julian Rosefeldt likes to play with this word. Asylum, in this work, will claim a significance that is enigmatic for the actual average European mind. I bet the "European" standing will not see himself in the motion, he will never think that the past is made of presents pictures only with other colors, that once we were the ones begging for Asylum, selling roses, working in kitchen, selling papers or dolls, and housekeeping different spaces. The cliche of this work art is that there is no "European", let's say no "Occidental", let's say the "being" from a developed country (Europe raise itself has developed, I think Europe should look at the mirror and think if DEVELOPED is not a cliche here, Envelope {understanding that our mind in Europe in turning on itself, making a beautiful curve of closeness} maybe is a better word). Look at the motion please, and find yourself somewhere, than the cliche will recovery itself and help You to understand that your daily reality is only created by your feeling of being different, by your lack of empathy and the pretension of being better than the immigrant You are watching on the screen. Far from their home, they do what they can, what they are expected by Europe to do, what "Europeans" allow them to do. These motions are the essence of the Asylum, is the immigrant crazy? (Maybe the answer is Yes) Is anyone out of his mind to go and live anywhere else than his/her country? Is this new land the Asylum? I think so. Why the immigrant is crazy? Because of War? Because of the persecution? Because of hunger? Maybe all this reason together. Then Europe is the director of the Asylum, and choosing which treatment will be the most effective for the IMMIGRANT/PATIENT. Europe is a political Space/Asylum. It may be radical comparing an immigrant with a sick person, but still in "EUROPE" there is this cliche of the difference, of being better because of the place we were born, because of our historical heritage. See the criteria here, it is purely judgmental. If someone coming from USA set and live in Europe, we will not apply the criteria. Historically USA was a "melting pot" (there was a time that everyone loved this word/ these time are over/ listen to the song of Florence and the Machine "dog days are over"), as far as history tells, the European escaped and went to live to the protoUSA in order to survive and be free from oppression. I guess the land there, over the Ocean, was an Asylum at that time. You will barely find someone who will use the word immigrant to define someone coming from USA/EUROPE/CANADA/AUSTRALIA/SOUTH AFRICA/JAPAN. You will barely find in an art work the first (the first world is a very unconscious way to make the difference between countries) world? Now go to the exhibition, the cliche there, is ME (if You try You can imagine someone of your family in this situation) over and over, THIS cliche is everyone of us in different time and Asylum.


Tuesday, July 12, 2016


"Beaches" sounds to a foreign as "bitches"... Is there any difference between the two words? Prostitution is not a subject to discuss in a few lines. I suppose that if it comes about Beaches, everybody agrees that is a wonderful way to spend holidays even if "holy" is something an atheists will not appreciate. Than I will say Beaches a wonderful way to spend the day! What about the night? No doubts, day and night sound very different close to the beach. There is something sexual about the people living close to the beaches, maybe is why, at the moment, I feel a little confused about the word I just pronounced. We all have this memory of a summer romance, just think about it once in a while, it will make You feel better, feel attractive, more close to the beach than You think. Take your favorite book, if you prefer your headphones "they could even save your life", take your cream (of course organic) and lay down, lay down, make yourself go down into the sand, leave your thoughts touch the worm, forget about any hurry, let the summer mood take control of the moment. I found this pictures from Gray Malin, he has this "bird eye" pictures, they help to see the beaches from a different angle. I never thought they could be so geometrical, so colorful, so relaxing, I always thought they where bitches... Now I suppose I will start to talk about perspective, but judge from yourself, I think he is a great photographer doesn't matter here which is the aim of his pictures.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

# ARTS #

Equality is a big word, big words cannot be applied to reality. The weight of the word equality is the sum of the world society differences, yet dishonest talk about difference. Have a look at similarity between painting and real life, Paul Kuczynski art works are really close to pictures of our times. Of course You can find them on facebook, pictures of paintings, paintings of reality, and the discourse about equality.

Saturday, July 9, 2016


A: Could You take off your flag please? B: Why should I? A: because it seems to me You want to show that You belong somewhere U do not... B: I do not understand... let’s say I’m Italian, I’ll raise the white/red/green flag and show everybody that I feel proud about it, even if I do not eat pizza because I’m celiac. After all it is nice to feel that I belong to same place, that I feel like home and I feel very well among all the people from my country. A: Did You say “MY country”? B: I did? A: I’m not from YOUR country, I’m from a different place, Should I feel welcome here in YOUR country? And can u tell me why do You think we use this words “MY, YOUR” associated with country? B: I suppose is just a matter of tradition, I use it since I was a child, as I grew up here I adopt Religion, language, rules of the place and I feel proud about this culture. A: Could You tell why? I assume You are Catholic, You speak italian and You respect the rules. B: umh...emh... I don’t know, is just the way it is, is something I did never think about. By the way I’m atheist. A: So You feel proud of what You think YOUR country is? B: Yes. By the way I speak italian but I feel more confortable speaking in English. A: Then from a individual perspective and Your own interpretation you understand that everybody thinks exactly as You do just because they are born in the same land, that’s my interpretation... just trying to understand, seems really complicated to me. I thought that being a part of the community is something more, let’s say work together to reach a common goal, could be a Religion, a monetary status, a political idea, a better system of rules suitable for all the community. B: No rules will be suitable for everybody, there are always exceptions... By the way I think several rules should be changed. A: Then what’s the point of having a flag? B: I will have a look on Internet to find the meaning, here it is: a small piece of cloth or paper fixed to a stick or pin that is sold on flagday, that's what the dictionary says, I will add sold during football match, or independence day.